Wednesday, April 7, 2010

365 Days Ago

My sister-in-law, Brena', is in town. She showed me her new blog, and I showed her my blog.

Yikes! I knew I hadn't posted in a pretty long time, but a whole year?? Yep, and not just a year plus or minus a few days. 365 days exactly!!!

So this is my anniversary post, even if there was nothing in between!!! :-)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bad Timing!

Ok, I read this Pioneer Woman blog entry to my husband a while back, but I didn’t appreciate the fact that he was enthusiastically eating a bowl of cereal at the time.

When I got to the mama cow and her placenta and other membranes hanging from her body, I heard a sarcastic “MmmmMmmm” as my husband took another bite!!

Well, “that’s why he loves me”, which is what we tell each other when we do silly, stupid, outrageous, or goofy things!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My days off

Yesterday, today and Friday were/are my days off this week. I did some errands yesterday.

Today I'm doing laundry. That doesn't mean I'll get around to folding it. I hate folding laundry. So it sits in the baskets (plural!) forever. I love putting it away, though. Once it's folded!

I don't know if I'll get out of the house today to grocery shop or not. Probably not. Even though I want to try out another recipe from Pioneer Woman Cooks. I really want to try her Apple Dumplings. At the grocery yesterday, I looked at the ingredients on all of the different refrigerated crescent rolls. I didn't buy any because ALL of them contained aluminum, which I don't want to consume or feed to anyone else. One of these days I'll look for them at the health food store in Anchorage.

A comment about cooking

I wrote this comment in today's Pioneer Woman Cooks blog:

"I really wish I could cook!!! It’s just that I get anxiety-ridden and panicky because I can’t get everything to be done at the same time. Therefore, some items are overcooked, cold, etc. You should see me; I fall to pieces over it. My poor husband, a few months after we were married, offered to be the cook of the family. He’s a good cook!! So he cooks and I clean up. I really, really wish I could cook though. I have all kinds of aspirations!!"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Volcanic Ash

It's 12:30am. Let's just say it's still Saturday night. I got home from work a little bit ago.

We have ash from Mt. Redoubt falling here in Palmer. A light coating so far. It's really fine and gritty. Itty bitty glass particles.

I heard South Anchorage had two inches as of earlier tonight, according to my boss who lives there.

We are supposed to get a lot more tonight and tomorrow. We'll see.

UPDATE: We didn't get any more ash like they predicted. Whew!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beans and Cornbread UPDATE!!

Well, I turned the heat up under my beans and after a while they were ready. I seasoned them and voila! My husband said they were yummmmmyyy! I tried them and had to agree. And he asked me to package some up for his lunch tomorrow.

I am so excited they turned out fine and tasty to boot!

I am heartened!

Beans and Cornbread

I don't cook. I panic when I cook. My wonderful husband does most of the cooking.

But Pioneer Woman (a blog I'm addicted to) has been inspiring me. Tonight, I decided to make a recipe from her cooking blog....beans. They look so good in her pictures.

I'm into it 2 hours on what I thought was simmer. But maybe it was too low, cuz it certainly doesn't look like PWs. Looks like I put too much water in also, though I measured the water above the beans. Just an itty bit over 2 inches. (How my husband would laugh; he never measures anything...grrrr!)

Ok, my husband just told me a simmer is a wee baby boil (my words). I had the burner on wonder....they still have a ways to go. Hope they'll be ok after hours and hours of cooking.

Told you I'm not a cook.

But I promise to keep trying.

P.S. The cornbread turned out yummy. It's the recipe on the Bob's Red Mill cornmeal pkg.

New Blog - Kat's Meeeooows

I've decided to start a blog.

Don't know what it will contain yet. Maybe just bits and pieces of things. Pictures. Thoughts. Rememberances of the past. Funny stuff. Who knows!

It'll probably be quite eclectic, because that's pretty much what and who I am.